Kraft Foods

Kraft Foods

“Thank you for a job well done.” Sandra J. Morreale, M.B.A., R.D Research Scientist Nutrition and Health Information Group Kraft Foods Chicago, IL
BIC Corporation

BIC Corporation

“Both Tonya Parma and Julie Kadlack were personable and suitably represented BIC Corporation, Special Markets Division. They met all the qualifications to having this year’s show a success.” Dennis H. Sherman, MAS National Sales & Marketing...
ASICS TIGER Corporation

ASICS TIGER Corporation

“I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate your constant effort in providing the very best models for our trade shows.” Joe Palminteri Trade Show Coordinator ASICS TIGER Corporation 
Champion International Corporation

Champion International Corporation

“My compliments on your choices of Kellie Giesar and Karen Winider for the show in Corpus Christi. They handled the show very much of the way you handled our first show in Fort Worth.” J.L. Di Stefano Manager,Marketing Projects Champion International...
PGA Golf Expositions

PGA Golf Expositions

“I’m a firm believer that the quality of the service partners has an awful lot to do with the success of an event. We very much appreciate the fine job being done by your agency, and hope the growth trend continues for both of us.” JohnF. Zurek...
Kenrich Petrochemicals, inc.

Kenrich Petrochemicals, inc.

“I’d like to say that our investment inAnne O’Brian Agency people made good business sense .” Salvatore J. Monte President